Ďalšie novinky zo žen.bridžu 2009 Tlačiť E-mail
06. 02. 2009

Podstatná časť z listu Anny Gudge o pripravovaných novinkách re súťaže žien a o dámskom bridžovom festivali na BBO:

To all Women players,

2008 was a very interesting and productive year for Women’s Bridge as I am sure you are aware!


Our new website at http://www.wbfwomensbridgeclub.org/  was launched and of course there are some pages on the WBF Website  at http://www.worldbridge.org/  , under Categories/Women about Women’s Bridge that you may find useful. 

We have arranged, together with BBO, tournaments each Wednesday, just for women players, where you can enjoy the challenge of competitive bridge in a relaxed and social atmosphere.

But … there is more! The 2nd Festival of Bridge Online, just for Women Players organized with  Bridge Base Online will be held from 13th – 19th April 2009. The information about this can be found by going directly to the pages for the event, at  http://www.wbfwomensbridgeclub.org/festival2009/


For this exciting event, certificates will be awarded to the winning pairs and individuals, AND the overall winner will have the opportunity to play a BBO tournament with World Champion Fulvio Fantoni.

Register soon to be sure to be able to take part in this exciting and enjoyable tournament ! Don’t leave it too late – we would hate you to be disappointed!

Please note that during the Festival the Wednesday will be suspended, and will re-start in May.

Our Chairman, Anna Maria Torlontano, recently made a presentation to a European Bridge Seminar on Women’s Bridge, which contained lots more information about what we are doing for women’s bridge world wide, and if you would like to read it, just click here and you will see the link near the top of the page. If you can’t get it from there, email me and I will send you a copy – I am sure you would find it of interest!

Best wishes

Anna Gudge

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