Novinky zo ženského bridžu 2009 Tlačiť E-mail
06. 02. 2009
Podstatná časť z listu Anny Maria Torlontano, predsedkyne ženskej komisie v EBL, adresovaného národným bridžovým federáciám:

I was so happy to meet some of our European NBO personnel in Rome and to speak  about the activity of the Women's Bridge, and the ambitious projects that the Women's Committee want to achieve in 2009!. 

I know that, because of this, that you may well already be aware of what I am going to tell you, but please read it anyway and help us to achieve our aims – we rely so much on your goodwill and cooperation! 

2008 was a very interesting and productive year:

Our new website at was launched and of course there are some pages on the EBL Website, under Categories/Women about Women’s Bridge that you may find useful.  We have arranged, together with BBO, tournaments each Wednesday, just for women players, where they can enjoy the challenge of competitive bridge in a relaxed and social atmosphere

 But … there is more! As you know, last year the Women's Committee created  for women players, wherever they are, a Festival of Bridge Onlinewhich women players from all over the world can enjoy! 

The 2nd Festival of Bridge online, just for Women Players organized with  Bridge Base Online will be held from 13th – 19th April 2009. The information about this can be found by going directly to the pages for the event, at

For this exciting event, certificates will be awarded to the winning pairs and individuals, and the overall winner will have the opportunity to play a BBO tournament with World Champion Fulvio Fantoni.


The three important objectives are:

1) To help the Women Players who wish to compete in a National and International Championships, giving them the opportunity to train, playing with their partners against players from all over the World.

2) To provide a social event in an excellent atmosphere, making many new friends

3)To promote Women’s Bridge worldwide. 


During the Festival the tournaments which are played every Wednesday will be suspended, to start again in the month of May.

 Of course your collaboration is extremely important and really indispensable. Without your support, we cannot achieve our FESTIVAL for sure,  and  the event cannot be a success.!!

 What does the EBL and our  Women's Committee ask of you?

 First to put a banner and a link on your website! We have banners available in - English- French- German- Italian- Spanish which you can download ) from and of course the link on the banner must go  that address.


Next to publicise the event (and the weekly tournaments) in your National Magazines and at your women’s tournaments so that your players are aware of them.

Please help us to make the event a great success by giving it as much publicity as you can – if possible, please send an email to all your women players so that they are aware of the event!

 You can find copies of my presentation to the EBL Seminar, with much more detail than is in this email can be downloaded from - you will see the link near the top of the page

  With warm regards

 Anna Maria Torlontano

Chairman, WBF Women’s Committee

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