Anti Doping Tests in Lille Tlačiť E-mail
Napísal Eduard Velecký   
25. 07. 2012
List od Anny Gudge ( v pôvodnom znení (ľutujem, prekladať nemám chuť, na vysvetlenie ale dodám, že s nechuťou hľadím na novoty tohto druhu - mám silné pochybnosti, či robia našu hru atraktívnejšiu, zaujímavejšiu a populárnejšiu).

Dear Eduard
I have been instructed to advise you that the first Anti Doping Tests will be held on Thursday 9th August immediately after the Captains’ Meeting which is to be held at 17.00 hours.
The list of players to be tested – two from the Open Teams and two from the Women’s Teams, will be posted outside the Meeting Room. Captains should check this list and ensure that the selected players are told to go to the Anti Doping Control area WITHIN 30 MINUTES. Reserves will also be selected, and they are also required to attend the Anti-Doping Control within 30 minutes until they are informed that they may leave.
It is, therefore, essential that your captain is able to contact you immediately if you are selected, since failure to attend the testing is deemed a positive test and will lead to a suspension.
This email is being sent to all players in the Open / Women’s teams for whom I have email addresses, but Captains are responsible for ensuring that all members of their team are aware of the requirements and that they can contact them if they are selected for testing or as reserves.
Anti Doping testing will also be carried out during the Semi Finals, on Sunday 19th August, when three players from the Open Semi-Final Teams and three from the Women’s Semi Final Teams will be selected.
The procedures provided by the WADA Antidoping Policy will be followed and enforced. Players should note that any breach will result in a player being banned from participation in every bridge activity for the period as provided by the WADA Antidoping Code.
Kind regards ....

Váš názor?




# ???Jana Zlamalova 2012-07-27 07:05
Pritomnost akej latky sa pri bridzi povazuje za doping?
# Re:???Administrátor 2012-07-27 11:01
Príslušný obsažný dokument EBL je tu: Nikdy som ho neštudoval, ale zoznam zakázanych latok sa odvoláva na zoznam antidopingovej agentúry WADA, čo imho znamená, že pre bridž sú zakázané tie isté látky ako pre bežné športy ako atletika, cyklistika, vzpieranie, atď.
# casJana Zlamalova 2012-07-27 07:06
btw, mame server v Anglicku? pretoze cas komentare sa zda byt GMT, nie GMT+1.
# RE: casAdministrátor 2012-07-27 11:05
Neviem, kde je server, na ktorom beží web SBZ. Avšak administrátor môže zvoliť ľubovoľné časové pásmo bez ohľadu na umiestnenie servera. Máme zvolené naše časové pásmo, ale počas obdobia letného času je tam jednohodinová diferencia.
# ;-)Katarína Škrovinová 2012-07-31 22:11
Aj na univerzitnych majstrovstvach sveta bola antidopingova kontrola. Odporucam precitat si komentar Milana Macuru k sprave o tomto podujati, ktora vysla v bridzovej revue:

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