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29. 06. 2008

First ‘European University Bridge Championships’ organized by EUSA in Opatija (Croatia), 4th till 10th October 2009.

From 4th till 10th of October, the first EUSA championships will be organised in Opatija, Croatia. Bridge has been recognized as a sport in 2007 by EUSA, European University Sports Association. It is a competition between universities and any country and university can send any number of teams. At the last European University Bridge Championships in Brugge, 32 university teams have participated. In Croatia, we would like to do better with at least 35 university teams.

More information about this event will be published as soon as it is available on Geert Magerman Chairman Technical Committee FISU and EUSA Táto e-mailová adresa je chránená pred spamovými robotmi, potrebujete mať zapnutý Javascript aby ste ju mohli vidieť.