SBZ ku teroru v Paríži Tlačiť E-mail
17. 11. 2015
Untitled Peter Belčák, prezident SBZ, poslal dňa 15.11. 2015 nasledovný email Patrickovi Grenthemu, prezidentovi francúzskeho bridžového zväzu.

Dear Patrick,

On behalf of Slovak Bridge Association, and myself personally, I want to express our particular sympathy and solidarity with people in Paris and with all those who have been affected in the most dreadful way by the bestial attacks.

New information coming in next days will complete the picture of the wicked acts. It’s sure that life not only in Paris but also in other parts of France will not be the same. Please forward to our French colleagues that our thought these days are with you.

Peter Belcak
Slovak Bridge Association

PS. Rovnaký text bol v našom mene poslaný aj Yvesovi Aubrymu, (francúzskemu) prezidentovi EBL.

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